Leg Exercises

by Doug Walker

Quadricep Exercises

Leg Extensions on Universal Machine

Leg Extensions on Free Weight Machine

Single Leg Extension

Single Leg Extension

Sissy Squats

Sissy Squat Machine

Hack Squat

Hack Squats

Hamstring Exercises

Leg Curls on Universal Machine

Leg Curls

Leg Curls on Free Weight Machine

Free Weight Leg Curls

Single Leg Curl

Single Leg Curl

Standing One Leg - Leg Curl

Standing Leg Curl
(single leg)

Stiff Leg Deadlift

Stiff Leg Deadlifts

Quad/Ham/Glute Exercises

Leg Press

Leg Press

Vertical Leg Press

Vertical Leg Press

Free Weight SquatSquat Rack

Barbell Squats

Squats on Smith Machine

Smith Machine Squats
(feet out in front)

Front Hack Squat

Front Hack Squats
(feet low - toes on floor)

Barbell Hack Squats - Free Weight Hack Squats

Barbell Hack Squats

Universal Machine Squats

Universal Machine Squats

Single Leg - Leg Press

One Leg - Leg Press



Lunges with Barbell

Barbell Lunges

Lunges with Dumbbells

Dumbbell Lunges

Lunges on Smith Machine

Smith Machine Lunges
back foot all the way back and front foot all the way forward (one leg at a time) (do not alternate legs)

Bulgarian Squats

Bulgarian Squats

Smith Bulgarians

Smith Machine Bulgarian Squats

Barbell Front Squats

Barbell Front Squats

Dumbbell Step Ups

Dumbbell Step Ups

Box Jumps

Box Jumps

Box Squats

Box Squats

Walking Starter Lunges

Walking Starter Lunges

Calf Exercises

Calf Raise on Leg Press

Calf Raises on Leg Press

Calf Raise on Vertical Leg Press

Calf Raises on Vertical Leg Press

Universal Machine Calf Raises

Standing Calf Raises on Universal Machine

Smith Machine Calf Raise

Standing Calf Raises on Smith Machine

Standing Calf Raise

Free Standing Calf Raises
(one or both feet)

Seated Calf Raise

Seated Calf Raises

Single Calf Raise on Leg Press

Single Leg - Calf Raise on Leg Press

Shin Exercises

Shin Raises

Shin Raises