Back Exercises

by Doug Walker

Front Lat Pulldown

Pulldown handles

Chain handle


Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown

Underhand Pulldowns
(palms up)

Pull Ups


Close Grip Pull UpsPower Rack/Squat Rack

Pull-ups with V -handle

Chin Ups

Chin Ups (Underhand)
(palms ups)

Seated Cable Row
 HandlesChain handle

Seated Cable Rows

Bent Over Barbell Row

Bent Over Barbell Rows
(overhand & underhand)

Leverage Machine Rows

Close Grip Leverage
Row Machine

Leverage Machine Rows 

Wide Grip Leverage Row Machine

T-bar Row

T-Bar Rows
----o---- shaped handle

T-bar Row

T-Bar Rows
V shaped handle

One Arm T-bar Row

One Arm T-Bar Row

Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell Row

One Arm Seated Cable RowSingle handle

One Arm Seated Cable Row

Barbell Pullover

Barbell Pullovers

Dumbbell Pullover

Dumbbell Pullovers



3/4 Deadlift

3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of squat rack)

3/4 Smith Machine Deadlift

3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of Smith Machine)

Rack Pull

Rack Pulls
(start just above knee)

Straight Arm Pulldowns

Straight Arm Pulldowns

Gravitron Pull up

Gravitron Pull-ups

Lying Barbell Rows

Lying Barbell Rows

Trap Exercises

Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Shrugs

Barbell Shrug

Barbell Shrugs

Shrugs on Smith Machine

Smith Machine Shrugs

Shrug on Universal Machine    Shrug on Universal Machine

Universal Machine Shrugs

Close Grip Barbell Upright Row

Close Grip Barbell Upright Rows

Close Grip Upright Row on Smith Machine

Close Grip Smith Machine
Upright Rows



3/4 Deadlift

3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of squat rack)

3/4 Deadlift on Smith Machine

3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of Smith Machine)

Rack Pull

Rack Pulls
(start just above knee)

Lower-Back Exercises



Lower-back Machine

Lower Back Machine "ab/Back"



3/4 Deadlift

3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of squat rack)

3/4 Deadlift on Smith Machine

3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of Smith Machine)

Rack Pull

Rack Pulls
(start just above knee)

Good Mornings

Good Morning